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Haley Quality Livestock Hereford Cattle

Why Choose Hereford?

While angus have enjoyed incredible favor and unmatched publicity over the last few years, we didn’t think choosing a cattle breed on a popularity contest was a sound decision. These things tend to shift and change through the years based on marketing. So, we evaluated some breeds we’d been privileged to manage in Texas and we also did a bit of research. In the process, we discovered that when we took the features of the Hereford and matched it up against other breeds, we kept landing soundly on the side of this well-proven red and white creature with a sweet personality and impressive performance.

We haven’t been sorry with our choice. We have all fallen in love with our small herd that feels a whole lot like family. They’ve responded very well to us and to their SC home.


Why Choose Hereford?

While angus have enjoyed incredible favor and unmatched publicity over the last few years, we didn’t think choosing a cattle breed on a popularity contest was a sound decision. These things tend to shift and change through the years based on marketing. So, we evaluated some breeds we’d been privileged to manage in Texas and we also did a bit of research. In the process, we discovered that when we took the features of the Hereford and matched it up against other breeds, we kept landing soundly on the side of this well-proven red and white creature with a sweet personality and impressive performance.

We haven’t been sorry with our choice. We have all fallen in love with our small herd that feels a whole lot like family. They’ve responded very well to us and to their SC home.


Hereford Facts

If you are interested in the highlights, here are some of the reasons our family chose to specialize in Hereford:

  • A high percentage of calf crops with low mortality rates
  • An ability to thrive in temperate conditions like the Carolinas
  • A meat known for flavor and marbling (basically, we prefer to eat it)


  • High sales prices
  • Superior weight gain (studies show a 20% advantage over other breeds)
  • Docile and pleasant in nature which, besides making them more enjoyable to own, translates into lower labor costs 


  • Low mortality rates and early maturity
  • Longevity (females can calve for 15 years and bulls can sire for 12)
  • Well developed in the regions with valuable cuts of meat
  • Ideal for smaller farms 



Hereford were developed in Herefordshire, England to meet increasing demand for cattle during the Industrial Revolution. They were brought to the United States in 1817. 

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Psalm 24:1 All of earth’s riches, all of its glories, all of its beauty, and all of its miracles belong to the Lord. We are simply the caretakers of His good gifts.

In case you were wondering… Our cows live and eat right out our back door, so we are constantly monitoring their health and ensuring that our pastures have plenty of good grass to  graze at all times of the year. We also offer free choice minerals and the occasional treat of grain (which always makes them extra giddy with joy!). In the winter, when the grass is not as strong, we minimally supplement with hay.