Comparison Among the Pecan Trees

Comparison Among the Pecan Trees

Almost every day I drive right along our pecan orchard to get home. I notice and study each section of trees, which are thriving and luscious, and which look a little scrawny. On one afternoon, I had a little extra time and pulled in to check a particular pair of trees on opposite ends of the growth spectrum. Both planted at the same time, both given the same care and opportunity for growth, and yet one cast a shadow large enough for a picnic with the first of many little nut clusters forming, while the other boasted not much more than a twig like figure with a few leaves. That’s when the biblical truth of Galatians 6:4-5 hit home for me! “Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”

While both trees are alive and doing their job, I quickly fell into the trap of comparison. Not only does this happen with trees in the pecan orchard, but we can often fall into this within our own lives. With perfectly curated windows into people’s “reality” on social media, it is easy to allow comparison to set in. This happens in every facet of our lives, and often spreads into each of the many “hats” we all wear. However, comparison cripples your calling. While it is easy to feel “behind” or “not good enough” in life, when we allow comparison in, it strips our focus from Jesus to things. The only place comparison can live in a healthy way is on the alter. When we settle into comparison we have an internal fight of simultaneously trying to fit in and stand out. This smug pride or envious inferiority both leave us feeling less in the end. But Christ calls us to more. To be one of many trees in the orchard, none of which are on the same timeline. Each of us is entrusted with wearing different “hats” but your ministry is unique to your experiences and journey. YOU can reach people that I will never have the same contact or connection with, you have a unique testimony and story for God to use, and that’s a beautiful thing! So rather than shrink under the shadow of the “larger trees” surrounding us, let’s sink our roots deeper into the rich soil of Christ.